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AnimeSharp - animating people (BETA)ProjectsICQICQ SkinsHow to: Create an ICQ Skin (ICQ 6)
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Author Topic: How to: Create an ICQ Skin (ICQ 6)  (Read 36062 times)
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« on: 26. April 2007, 18:45:42 »

Hello, welcome to the ICQ6 Skinning Tutorial.
Hallo, Willkommen zur ICQ6 Skin erstellen Anleitung.

Easy Mode:
Einfache Methode

Benoetigt werden:

ATTENTION: Please use the newSampleSkinPackage.rar. The old file is for reference purposes, if you wish to update your Skins for the new version.
We also provide a package for the ICQ6.5 beta, however we cannot warrant it will work in the final version. If you encounter a problem, feel free to contact us by posting into these forums.

  • The Skinning Pack from below
    Der Beispielskin von unten
  • A good graphics editor (so Windows' Paint is not an option)
    Ein gutes Bildbearbeitungsprogramm (also nicht das Windows Paint)
  • A text editor (syntax highlighting recommended)
    Ein Texteditor (Syntax Highlighting empfohlen)
  • Some free time
    Etwas Freizeit


Some Skill in HTML and a bit interest in programming. You can see for help, too. Important parts are chapter 2 and appendix B of the user guide.
Einige Faehigkeiten mit HTML und etwas Interesse am Programmieren. Die Deutsche Boxely Dokumentation ist noch in Arbeit... Wichtig sind Kapitel 2 und Anhang B.

Zu tun ist:

Get the provided skinning pack, then just edit the image files and the box and xml files in it to change your skin.
Nehme den bereitgestellten Beispielskin und bearbeite dann die Grafiken und die *.box bzw. *.xml Dateien darin, um den Skin zu veraendern.

After you finished, you need to edit the skin.xml file provided in your copy like the following:
Wenn du fertig bist, bearbeite die skin.xml Datei deines Skins wie folgt:

<text language="en-US">Skin Name</text>

For now, you will have to change the color (and maybe font) values manually using a text editor. The Skinning Pack can be downloaded below. It contains samples of every file needed. If you are distributing your Skin, please use an archiving program to pack the skin.
Bis jetzt, musst Du die Farbwerte (und eventuell Schriftarten) manuell mit einem Texeditor aendern. Der Beispielskin befindet sich am Ende dieses Forenbeitrags. Er enthaelt jede Datei, die Du brauchst. Wenn Du deinen Skin veroeffentlichst, bitte verwende ein Archivierungsprogramm um den Skin zu packen.

To install the skin, or for testing purposes, you will need to put your skin into this folder:
Um den Skin zu installieren, oder zu Testzwecken muss der Skin in folgendem Verzeichnis platziert werden:

<ICQ6> = ICQ6 Installdirectory/Installationsverzeichnis
On English systems it is most probably: C:\Program Files\ICQ6\
Auf deutschen Systemen ist es normalerweise: C:\Programme\ICQ6\

Expert Mode:

Create something completely new. You need XML, XSL and (X)HTML for that because ICQ6 is based on Boxely. You can define overrides for every gadget or style library element used. Just keep it to a modest level.

more detailed info upcoming soon...
Genauere Informationen bald verfuegbar...

By downloading, using or editing the Sample below, you consent to be bound by the Terms of Use for ICQ Skin Sample. If you do not agree to such terms do not use the Sample.

* Sample-Skin.rar (438.94 KB - downloaded 6855 times.)
* newSampleSkinPackage.rar (686.17 KB - downloaded 5946 times.)
* SampleSkinPackage_for_ICQ6.5.rar (767.92 KB - downloaded 5821 times.)
* SampleSkinPackage_for_ICQ7.rar (538.62 KB - downloaded 5587 times.)
* SampleSkinPackage_for_ICQ7.5.rar (599.59 KB - downloaded 5293 times.)
« Last Edit: 17. August 2011, 17:53:35 by Dorian » Logged

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